Evolution DX V1.17.2201.1178 (Hotfix) now available

Please contact our support team on +44 (0)1522 698 911 or log into the Harmony Support Portal to schedule the update.
Please be aware the Raptor ticketing system has been discontinued. We are now using Harmony PSA.
- Fixed an issue whereby VAT Qualifying purchases brought into Stock via Pending Vehicles weren’t posting the purchase VAT correctly.
- Fixed an issue whereby multiple vehicles could be booking into the same MOT slot within the Job Diary (if two users attempted to book the slot within moments of one another)
- Fixed an issue whereby ‘quickparts’ were being upsold and added to Jobs as Non Stock Purchases
- Invoice Headers Printing incorrectly – There are now three options within the letter header configuration, depending on the site/environment, one of these options will resolve the problem.
- Fixed an issue where Standard Costs & Accessories weren’t being brought through to part exchanges once the part exchange had came into stock.
- Parts Cost Prices are now pulled through to a parts stock order if the cost is blank on the part record, but a cost is available in the price file
- Fixed an issue whereby the Source of Enquiry wouldn’t retain the selection within a Diary Booking/Jobsheet
- Fixed the error message received when attempting to edit the labour type description within the configuration.
- Fixed an issue whereby the Deleted field on a New Vehicle Record was being set incorrectly.