Evolution DX V1.17.2201.1178 now available

Please contact our support team on +44 (0)1522 698 911 or log into the Harmony Support Portal to schedule the update.
Please be aware the Raptor ticketing system has been discontinued. We are now using Harmony PSA.
- Deleted Vehicles can now be restored rather than having to be re-created from scratch (Deleted filter now available in vehicle records which works the same way as it does in Customer Records)
- Mild Hybrid & Plug in Hybrid have been added to the fuel type drop down menus throughout the system
- eDynamix Integration – Feed available to submit information to eDynamix in CSV format.
- Ad Hoc Invoice Display Improvements – There is now a Created date and an Invoice date on display in order to avoid confusion regarding the different dates available to view.
- Improved viewing options within Cancelled/Returned Vehicles – We’ve added the ability to scroll and view full grids within cancelled vehicles, allowing easy access to see all financial & historical type change transactions (previously it would be greyed and the scroll bar could not be selected). Trade in vehicles assigned to cancelled/returned vehicles can also be viewed by double clicking on the trade in line within the Sale Details tab.
- Parts Non Stock Sales Report – We’ve added further filter conditions such as Site & Franchise.
- Filtering & Printing options have been added to the Holding Order tab within Parts Stock Orders
- Cloud price files will only overwrite a parts description if it is blank
- Enhancements to Cash Book & Financials – Grid filter/sort options, period/year fields added. Pay in full & Automatic options added to Batch Payments
- Customer/Supplier Un-allocations – Select All option added
- Auto Allocate – New function added to the cash book to allocate zero balance accounts on SL and PL
- Added vat qualifying option to Vehicle Model Type Configuration – this can be vat qualifying, non-vat qualifying or both. This controls the purchase types which are made available for that model type.
- OSI Accessory List – Accessory lists are now available through OSI, meaning AutoSLM can see the list of available accessories for the vehicle in question (filtered by site, franchise, model type etc).
- Bitly URL Shortening has been replaced with our own
- DMS14 feed now includes the Chassis Number
- OSI Vehicle Stock – The ‘Not on Salesperson List’ tickbox on the purchase details tab now excludes vehicles from showing in stock via OSI.
- GDPR user field has been added to OSI
- ‘Returned by’ & ‘Credited by’ fields have been added to the returns module displaying the username of the person who returned and credited the item(s)
- When a vehicle is selected against a booking/job, the Franchise will be populated if a match is found to the make of the vehicle, if not, the franchise will be left blank and force the user to select the correct franchise.
- Diary Day Notes have been added into the Job Diary
- You can now Block and Unlock MOT slots via the MOT tab in the Job Diary
- OSI Field Corrections
- Fixed an issue with OSI Orders – Data Validation errors involving accessories with a large number of characters within the description
- Tyre Upsells – Fixed the issue whereby tyre part numbers were not pulling through to the Jobsheet via the upsell
- Fixed an issue whereby the Aged Debtors (Summary & Detailed) Report would display the incorrect names of some customers.
- Fixed an issue whereby some of the Sale Details information on a Sold vehicle would be blanked out.
- Fixed an issue with Model Type Changes in relation to a Site/Franchise conflict.
- Fixed an issue with Parts Invoice Payments Doubling up if a deposit has already been paid by the customer
- Fixed an issue whereby a Key Violation would occur if adding a 2nd repair line, this was due to the LastIntervention field being recorded as NULL in certain scenarios
- Fixed an issue with the eVHC whereby multiple instances of the same file would be uploaded
- Fixed an issue whereby an error would be generated when attempting to print a pro forma invoice