Evolution DX V1.17.2201.1164 now available

Please contact our support team on +44 (0)1522 698 911 or log into the Harmony Support Portal to schedule the update.
Please be aware the Raptor ticketing system has been discontinued. We are now using Harmony PSA.
- Loan car diary – There is now a diary showing loan car availability in the job diary. It can be accessed from the new Loan Car Avail. button at the top of the screen.
- Jobs requested from the Vehicle Stock Book now logs the user who requested it. There is a dedicated ‘Requested by’ column in the days booking section at the bottom half of the screen.
- Job progress indicator – In the Job Progress section in the diary red and green indicators will show if a job has a technician currently clocked on with green indicating they are clocked on that job.
- Ford REACT – When interacting with a customer record you will be prompted to check that the customer has been presented marketing options. This will only show if you are using REACT.
- Data Export – It is now possible to use the vehicle registration field from Credit Notes subsection.
- The job progress view accessible from the job diary now shows in process order rather than alphabetically.
- Improved how VAT rounding is handled.
- Bookings and jobs raised from the Estimates module now create records in the labour timeline.
- When SMS or emails are resent due to a failure the correspondence date is now properly upated in Customer Records.
- Improved error handling when submitting VAT returns.
- Fixed an error that would sometimes cause duplication when parts are sent to the returns module.
- Fixed an error that would assign many vehicle records to one customer.