Evolution DX V1.17.2202.1215 is now available

Please contact our support team on +44 (0)1522 698 911 or log into the Harmony Support Portal to schedule the update.
Please be aware the Raptor ticketing system has been discontinued. We are now using Harmony PSA.
- OWS to display invoice number
- OSI – /Vehicles and /Vehicles/{Stocknumber} API calls looked at different location fields
- Parts transferred between repairs on a job sheet not correctly reflected within OWS
- Deleted Vehicles still showed on attached to a customer record
- Issues with adding photos/videos on Techmate & VHC (Android 12+)
- Issues with automatic updates failing on Techmate/VHC
- Vehicle Sales invoices not correctly retaining customer information if vehicle had been sold, credited then resold to another customer