Evolution DX update V1.17.2501.1486 is now available
Please contact our aftersales team on 01522 698911 (option 2) if you would like to schedule the software update. Details of the latest release can be found below.
- Fixed a format conversion error that could occur when sending a parts order.
- Daily Sales Analysis figures are now internally consistent.
- VAT calculation was not previously shown when editing vehicle sales price in CRM using the red % button.
- Fixed a problem where the options available after clicking the ‘Select Vehicle’ button on a CRM proposal that would be reversed.
- Fixed an issue that would give an error when attempting to confirm a GRN with three decimal places.
- Fixed a ‘subquery’ error that could appear when transferring non-stock parts between jobs.
- The tickbox for ‘Part Exchange’ in the Purchase Details screen of the Vehicle Stock Book is now unable to be manually set. It will be automatically set on vehicles that come into stock as a part exchange from another deal.
- Block bookings in the Workshop Diary are no longer duplicate printed when the ‘Print Days Bookings’ is used.
- It’s no longer possible to change the warranty company or insurance company on jobs after they have been invoiced.
- Changing the warranty company or insurance company on live jobs will no longer remove the part and labour types on invoiced repairs. This only happens if there is a VAT code conflict between the new insurance/warranty companies default and the existing part, labour, or non-labour items on the job.
- Prevented an instance where it would be possible to add the same vehicle registration multiple times into the stock book.
- It is no longer possible to transfer labour, parts, or sublet items from invoiced repairs.
- In the Vehicle Stock Book > Financial Details > Preparation costs there job total on invoiced jobs would always be displayed as £0 rather than the actual value.
- Fixed a ‘nullable’ error in the diary that could appear when a never-before-seen part was added.
- Part stock and available quantities were not being displayed on the add part screen of job sheets and parts invoices.
- Price file updates will not longer affect part group codes.
- Fixed an issue where the CRM and vehicle stock book totals could become desynchronised.
- Creditor accruals are now reflected on the vehicle summary sheet.
- Delivery date in the vehicle stock book and CRM can now be edited after the vehicle is invoiced.
- Improved responsiveness of the system when opening customers and vehicle records from the sidebar.